Ravenloft Tarokka Deck


See the Future, Understand the Past
Part the veil that separates what was from what is yet to be. Learn the secrets of the mysterious Vistani seers first-hand. Dare to fathom the exotic fortunetelling cards known as the Tarokka, arcane knowledge handed down from generation to generation by the wanderers of the Dread Realms.
A World At Your Fingertips
This game accessory gives Ravenloft players and Dungeon Masters a chance to explore the wonders of the Vistani Tarokka. Useful as a prop for half-Vistani characters and NPCs, this detailed deck also offers a multitude of ideas and plot hooks for guiding campaigns or creating interesting sidelights for character development. Completely compatible with the fortunetelling information in the Ravenloft Dungeon Master’s Guide, it’s also useful as a standard Tarot deck.

Ravenloft Tarokka Deck Download


Tarokka Deck Cards

The tarokka deck isn't that complicated - it'll be pretty easy to make one. There are four suits (swords, stars, coins, and glyphs) each with 10 cards (numbered 1-9 and the last as the 'archetype' or 'master' with no number), and then the high deck with 14 un-numbered cards. The strong points: The Tarokka deck and Ravenloft are strongly intertwined for more than 25 years. Even though Ravenloft as a campaign setting does not currently exist in the fifth edition, the deck finds its way back in what is the 5th edition's iteration of the most iconic gothic horror adventure: the remake of I6 - Ravenloft.